Determining Fault In A Car Accident

When you are pursuing a car accident case, one of the most important things to determine is who is at fault for the accident. In some cases, this might be cut and dry, but in other cases, there is a lot that you can do to help determine who is at fault. The more evidence you have, the easier it should be to get a clear picture of what happened and make a strong case.

Three Signs Your Job May Have Given You A Repetitive Strain Injury

A repetitive strain injury is caused by repeating the same motion over and over until some part of your body (often joints or tendons) becomes damaged. This injury occurs frequently in athletes (e.g. tennis or golfer's elbow) and frequently with employees who work at assembly lines, checkout lines, or computer keyboards all day. Many other sectors can have positions which cause repetitive strain injury; the only limitation is that it has to be a job that involves repetitious, strain-inducing movement or a job that requires repetitive motions in an awkward position.

Alarming Distracted Driver Facts And Statistics Every New Teen Driver Needs To Know

As a parent, seeing your child obtain their driver's license and first set out on the road alone can bring about a whole new level of worry and concern. The easiest way to make sure that your teen is fully capable of staying as safe as possible is to teach them about the dangers of unsafe practices, especially when it comes to distracted driving. Here are a few alarming facts that every new teen driver needs to know about distracted driving.

Been In A Car Accident? 5 Instances When An Attorney Is Necessary

When you are involved in a car accident, you may wonder whether or not you need a lawyer. Insurance is often the best possible way to handle minor injuries and damage to your vehicle. However, some accidents result in major damage and serious injuries. In these cases, a professional may be necessary. Here are five instances when you should consider hiring an experienced car accident attorney to handle your case:

Workers' Compensation And The Family Of The Deceased

Many people are unaware that the family of deceased family members can collect benefits if their loved one dies as a result of a work-related injury or illness. The determination of qualification depends on your relationship with the deceased, but in most states there is a provision for family members to collect workers' compensation. If you would like to find out more information about collecting workers' compensation on the behalf of a deceased family member, read on.